Speaking Forecast







  • Do you use a wallet?

Yes, I do. I have one and always carry it with me so that I have something to hold all of my necessary papers like ID card or driving ’s license.

  • Have you ever lost a wallet?

3 years ago, after going out with my friends in a coffee shop, I realised that my wallet was lost. I went back to that place and asked the manager there whether they saw it or not. Unluckily, they did not see it and I had to make all of my papers again.

  • Do most of your friends use a wallet?

I think all my male friends have one, but girls often prefer to wear a bag because they are more fashionable and a large container can hold our lipstick and other accessories.

  • Have you ever sent a wallet to someone as a gift?

I never did it, although I think a nice wallet could be a great gift to give to your friend or family member.



  • Do you like to look at the sky? Why?

Yes I do. My house has a balcony, so I am often there in the evening to get some fresh air and enjoy the beauty of the night sky. Beside, I like to take photographs in my free time and the sky can play as a great background of my pictures.

  • Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?

Except in cloudy days, I can see the moon and starts at night where I live. The sky in my place is often clear because there are not a lot of high-rise buildings and tall trees

  • Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?

I prefer the sky at night because I am usually very busy in the morning and have no time to look at the sky during this time. At night, I can relax and look upward with thinking out my work.

  • Which parts of your country are the best places to look at the moon and stars at night?
  • I have not traveled to many places in my country, but in my opinion camping on a beach and looking at the night sky could be a great experience for everyone.


  • What did you like to do the most when you were in primary school?

In primary school, I liked to spend time with my friend the most compared to  other activities. We often gathered together during breaks and talked to each other or play folk games.

  • How did you go to your primary school?

My mom took me to and picked me up from school. My dad was very busy with his work commitments and he only sometimes picked my up when he had time off work.

  • What did you do in your leisure time in your primary school?

I often played outdoor games like rope-jumping with my classmates. Sometimes when it rained we would try to find an answer to a puzzle. In general, this period is the happiest time in my life.




  • How can we protect the environment?

We can protect the environment in many ways. The simplest thing to do is not litter indiscriminately. We could limit using air conditioners so that the global temperature will not rise every year.

  • Do you think you have done enough to protect the environment?

No, I do not think so. People still hunt wild animals and cut trees down for construction. Besides, we still use too much plastic in our daily life, which could pollute the ecosystem for centuries.

  • Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?

I am really into it. However, my major is not related to it and my knowledge of this field is limited. So, I think I should only not pollute the environment in my daily activities and let these jobs for specialised people.

  • Is there education about environmental protection in school?

Yes, there are some universities offer this major. However, because of the low salary and the scarcity of jobs after graduation, they do not receive enough attention of students.



  • Do you know the history of your country well?

I have learned history of my country since I was in primary school, so I know quite clearly about my country’s historical events and milestones.

  • Which part of your country do you want to live in?

I want to live in this city because it is not far from my hometown so that I can visit my parents at weekends. Besides, I have lived here for a long time and have a lot of friends here, so living in this city is ideal for me.

  • What makes you feel proud of your country?

There are so many things which make me feel proud of my country. We have a long history of being invaded by powers like America, China, France; however, today my country become increasingly developed and attract the investment of many multinational companies.

  • Will you stay in your country in the future?

I am not sure about the future but at the moment I am happy with my current life and work here in Vietnam. However, if a relocation could change my life, I think I will consider carefully. I admit I am among those who have a dream of moving to a more developed country to settle in.



  • What scenery can you see from the window of your home?

I live in a crowded residential area, so houses are built next to each other. As a result, from my house’s windows, we can just see the wall of our neighbour’s house.

  • Is it important for you to have a good view from your window?

For me it is quite important because having a good view from the window makes me become relaxed and the room is not gloomy.

  • Do you like to sit by the window when you take an airplane?

Actually I feel the same no matter I sit near the window or not. I often read books when I travel by air, so it does not matter where I sit by in the plane..

  • What sort of view would you like your house to have in the future?
  • I want my future house have a view of a park because living in a city is stuffy and a park with a lot of trees could help improve the atmosphere of the house.




  • Do you watch advertisements

Yes, when I surf on the internet or watch videos on Youtube, I often watch ads. A lot of ads are produced vividly and I feel interested in watching or reading them.

  • where can you see advertisements

I see advertisements almost everywhere. Most of them are on the media from Television to social media. I also see billboards or leaflets on the way to and from work every day.

  • Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement

Yes, I bought many things because of watching its advertisements. Advertising helps me to find the products I want to buy more easily. Sometimes, I buy food because there are discounts on the advertisement I just read.

  • Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end

Most of the time, I do not watch an ad entirely because it is not the product I  want to buy. I just watch it wholly if it is really what I am interested in.



  • Do Vietnamese people like BBQ?
  • What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue

There are many kinds of food which can be barbecued. When I eat grilled food in a restaurant I often order seafood, pork or chicken.

  • Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friend

Yes I really like to, especially on a picnic. It is a great experience when a lot of friends and family members gather around an outdoor barbecue and talk to each other.

  • Did you have barbecue when you were a child

Yes, but not often and just on special occasions. For example, on my birthday, I often wanted to have a barbecue in a restaurant. However, on other occasions, my parents prefer to eat boiled and stewed food because they said that there foods are healthier.




  • Do you like to travel by car?

I like to travel by car because travelling by car is safer than by motorbike.  I also do not have to worry about the weather and bring umbrellas when going out.

  • When do you travel by car

I often travel by car when I have a trip to a destination far from my place. In short distance, I prefer using my motorbike because it is more convenient.

  • Where is the farthest place you have traveled to by car

The farthest place  I traveled by car to is DaLat city, which is about 300 km far away from my house. It was a team building trip of my class in university at the end of the second year.

  • Do you like to sit in front or back when travelling by car?

I prefer to sit in front of the car because I usually feel carsick if I sit in back. Besides, It helps me to stay alert because I can look at the scenery ahead.



  • What would you do to relax?

I often surf the internet and watch interesting videos on social media to entertain my self during breaks at work. I also listen to music, play video games or go out with my friends in my free time.

  • Do you think doing sport is a good way to relax?

Of course, playing sport is popular with a great number of people because it helps them to relax and increase their physical health.

  • Do you think vacation is a good time for you to relax?

Yes, I do. Having a vacation to spend with friends and family is a great way to relax for anyone. I am often very busy with my work. So, I always look forward to a vacation to come.

  • Do you think students need more relaxing time?

Of course, pressure from studies overwhelm students today. They devote most of their free time to prepare for tests and exams. Therefore, I think it will be better for them to have more relaxing time.




  • Do you like to wear special costumes?

Yes, especially if the costumes are suitable for me. However, I do not often wear costumes except on special occasions like Halloween or in a wedding ceremony.

  • Did you try any specials costumes when you were young?

When I was young, I had to wear Ao Dai, which is Vietnamese national costume, in high school twice a week. It is a long-established tradition of Vietnam. It helps us to preserve the traditional tangible values of previous generations.

  • When was your last time wear special costumes?

The last time I wore special costumes is last year. On Halloween night, my company organised a party at which every one cosplayed as famous figures. I chose a piece of clothing that ABC used to wear and perform on the stage. He is my favourite singer and admired a lot in Vietnam.

  • Have you ever bought special costumes?

I rarely bought costumes, but on special occasions, like when I was a bridesmaid in my friend’s wedding 1 year ago, I bough a piece of Ao dai to wear in her wedding ceremony. Bridesmaids wearing Ao Dai and receiving the trays of gifts is a custom in Vietnamese weddings.




  • Do you think museums are important?

In my opinion, museums are very important because they conserve historical values of a country or an area. Thanks to museums, younger generations can have a better understanding of the past.

  • Are there many museums in your hometown?

There is a museum located right in the center of my city. It is the museum about the developmental history of the city. It contains documents, pictures and objects that are important to show the public.

  • Do you often visit museums?

No I do not often visit a museum. Because I am quite busy with my work and only have 1 day off at the weekend, I tend to spend Sunday to be with my family or go to a restaurant or leisure center instead of to a museum.

  • When was the last time you visited the museum?

The last time I visited a museum was 5 years ago when my class in university organised a trip to visit Ho Chi Minh ’s museum in HCM city. It was a part of our module in the second year. Since that time, I have never been to any other museum.




  • Do you like watching TV programs about wild animals?

Yes I do. In my free time I often watch Discovery Channel. It helps me to have an understanding of wildlife. I feel very interested and could sit for hours to watch these programmes.

  • Do you learn something about wild animals from school?

Yes, We were taught about wild animals in Biology from primary to senior high school. We’ve learned that they are a very important part of the ecosystem and protecting them is the responsibility of all of us.

  • Where can you see wild animals?

I think most wild animals now live in the wild. If we want to see them, we have to travel to a forest or a nation garden. Besides, some kinds of wild animals like tigers, monkeys, chimpanzees are also kept in zoos, and we could see them here too.

  • In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?

I think in South American countries like Brazil, Mexico, Colombia because the Amazon Rainforest is there.It is the largest rainforest of the world and most of the place has not been touched by humans.



  • What kind of flowers do you know?

I know a lot of kinds of flowers. Vietnamese often grow roses, daisies or orchids to decorate their house. I also know that tulip is the national flower of Holland. Lilies and sunflowers are also often encountered in Vietnamese florists.

  • Are there any flowers that have special meanings in Vietnam?

In Vietnam, we have lotuses as the national flower. This type of flowers represents something that lives in a dirty place, but still show its beauty.

  • Have you planted any flowers yourself?

I am often preoccupied with my work, so I only grow some flowers like daisies, carnations and sunflowers. I grew them in pots in the front yard of my house and water them once every few days.

  • Have you sent flowers to anyone?

In the past, in Vietnamese teacher’s day, I always bought some flowers and gave them  to my teachers to express my respect and appreciation to them.





  1. Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study

You should say:

What it is about

Why you make it

What you need to do first

And explain how you would feel if it is successful


 At the moment, I am quite busy with my studies/making money and taking care of my children, so I do not have a lot of time to take part in outdoor activities.

Today, I would like to talk about a plan that I’ve had for a long time so far, which is taking part in an outdoor sport in the near future. This sport is mountain climbing.

I think I can arrange time next year to have a trip to Ba Den Mount with my friends in this summer. I am really excited about the scenario of that day coming.

The reason why I like this sport is that it can help me challenge myself. To climb to the top of a mountain, it requires you to try nonstop and have to be patient to achieve the target. Besides, doing this activity can improve my physical health and reduce stress after hard-working days. Being on the top of a mountain gives me a feeling of conquering myself. I usually watch professional mountaineers on Television or on Youtube. I'm really fascinated by this activity. Therefore, I also want to try this sport and conquer mountains like them.


Part 3:

Should parents make plans for children?

When should children start to make plans for themselves? What things should be planned on a daily basis?

Are plans always necessary?

Can people succeed without plans?

  1. Describe your favorite singer or actor

You should say:

Who he/she is

What kind of style his/her music/acting belongs to

What his/her personality is like

Explain why he or she is your favourite

Now I will describe a famous Vietnamese singer who I admire the most.

His name is Ha Anh Tuan. He is around 36 years old now and his style of music is pop. He is well-known for his warm and intense voice. He started his singing career in 2006 and, from that time on, he have launched many different hit songs and maintained his reputation during the past 16 years.

Ha Anh Tuan is a rare celebrity who has never had any scandal throughout his career. He is really gentle and it is often expressed clearly through his style of communication and answering interviews.

The reason why I am a big fan of him is because he is not just a talented singer but also because he takes part in social work frequently. He used to donate 3 billion dongs, around 150000 dollars, in 2020 to help prevent the spread of covid-19 in Vietnam.


Part 3:


What kind of music do people like at different ages?

pop music
classic music
rock and roll
folk songs

younger generations
the elderly

What is the difference between popular music now and popular music in the past in Vietnam?

Now => the type : pop, country
today => rock
will change in the future

Do Vietnamese parents require their children to learn to play musical instruments?

depends on parents
musical tradition => encourage
benefit =>
However, money=> not encourage

Why do some people like to listen to live music while others prefer CDs?

live music => singer/ see first hand/
in person, vibrant atmosphere
CDs => cheaper, quiet atmosphere,

  1. Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

You should say:

When it was Where it was

Why you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

And how you felt about it


When I was in high school, there used to be numerous rules and regulations. And, one of them was the rule of “bringing no mobile phone under any circumstances”.

At that time cell phones were not extremely popular. However, despite the exorbitant prices, my parents still bought me one.  I had to spend a lot of time outside the house, so my parents wanted to keep in touch with me. However, the principal of our school completely banned a cell phone on the campus as she believed that such a device was a distraction during the class.

Adhering to this rule, I never dared to take the phone to my school. However, I did not feel uncomfortable and believed that such a restriction was necessary. Without smartphones, students could devote their breaks to communicating with each other instead of just staring at their phones’ screens. Besides, this rule helped us to focus more on our study and not be distracted by these devices in class.

Part 3:

How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?

call, text messages, take pictures
more often/frequently, play games
reading, chatting on social media
or studying

What positive and negative impact do mobile phones have on friendship?

positive =>share information, communicate more easily
save time...
negative => myopia - eyesight, distract,
addicted - overuse

Is it a waste of time to take pictures with mobile phones?

- save unforgettable memories
family/class reunion,
- addiction to taking pictures
-> a waste of time
be addicted to = be obssessed with
=> depend on users

Do you think it is necessary to have laws on the use of mobile phones?

some people => take others's pictures without permission
intentionally insult people on social media, affect their privacy
when driving in traffic => lead to  traffic accidents

  1. Describe a puzzle (jigsaw, crossword, etc.) you have played

You should say:

What it is like

How easy or difficult it is

How long it takes you to solve

And how you feel about it


Well, I like to play different kinds of games but when it comes to Puzzle games I believe that nothing is better than a puzzle that helps me to enhance my English vocabulary.

My most favourite puzzle game is “the word search game”. I came to know about this game from my sister. When I played this game on her mobile,  I immediately liked it. The graphics of the game was very elegant.  Soon I downloaded this game on my mobile and started playing it.

The word search boards are created with many fundamental topics: like food, animals, cities, countries, transport, home, colours, movies etc. A word search game consists of the letters of words which are not placed in order. In this game, we have to find the exact order of each word with a picture which functions as a hint of the word. There are different levels from easy to hard. The harder level requires players to have wider lexical resources.

Well, for one thing, this puzzle game is a great way to help players to enhance their imagination and reasoning.  Moreover, it helps us learn new words. I learned a great number of new vocabulary by playing this game which really helps me in my study.

Part 3:

Why do parents let their children play puzzles?

increase creativity/imagination
=> children have to ..... => apply to
study or in real life
problem-solver/problem-solving skills
more patient
learn how to make tactics to deal
with a hard situation

What kinds of puzzles improve people's intelligence?

word search game
creating a mosaic
math and logic puzzle

Why are detective stories attractive to people?

keep people in suspense
make people impressed

Which do you think is better? A detective movie or its original novel?

original novel => imagine scenes
improve imagination
be adapted - director
cut may important details
because of timing => different from
the initial => audience ->

  1. Describe a law on environmental protection your country should have


You should say:

What law it should be

Why people should follow the law

Do you think it would be easy to implement and enforce this law


At the moment, my  country already has regulations regarding the protection of the natural environment. However, there are still no rules about banning people who litter in public areas and on streets.

In many large cities in Vietnam, people still have a habit of throwing rubbish carelessly on the roads or anywhere after they finish their drinks or food as long as these places are not around their house. This makes the cityscape looks very dirty and untidy, especially in the rainy season when rainwater carries litter everywhere around the city.  Therefore, it is imperative to implement a new law which punishes these environmentally unconscious individuals with heavy fines.

In my opinion, it is quite easy to enforce such a regulation. The police could circulate the information about this new law in the media and penalise some people first. As a result, other Vietnamese will gradually get rid of their habit of littering indiscriminately because nobody wants to lose money and be judged to lack awareness of protecting the surroundings.

Part 3:

Are there laws about education in Vietnam?

What kinds of rules do schools in Vietnam have?

What can teachers do to make students obey rules?

What should parents do to educate children about laws?


  1. Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future?


You should say:


Where it is

How you knew it

What it is famous for

And why you would like to live there


In the future I would like to live in Da Lat city, which is the most famous tourist destination in South Vietnam. It is located in Lam Dong province, around 300 kilometers from Ho Chi Minh city, where I am living now.

The first time I travelled to this place was 5 years ago in Vietnamese Independence Day. Since that time, I have returned to this place once per year. There are many reasons why this place is popular with a great number of Vietnamese.

Firstly, the landscapes there are incredible with ranges of mountains surrounding the area.  It is an area where inhabitants grow many famous types of flowers, e.g lily or rose, which are sold all over Vietnam. It will be a great experience if you wake up early in the morning, climb the Langbiang summit and enjoy the view of the whole city through fog blankets. Secondly, the atmosphere there is unpolluted and pleasant. Although it is chilly and not appropriate for many people, but it is my favourite weather condition.

These are also the reasons why I would like to live in this region in the near future.


Part 3:

Why do more and more people live in the city?

How does this affect the environment and nature?

What are some factors that attract people to settle down in certain


What are the differences of the young and the old in choosing where to live?


  1. Describe a piece of local news that people are interested in

You should say:

What it was about

Where you saw/heard it

Who was involved

And explain why people were interested in it


Today I will describe an interesting piece of local news that all residents in our areas are interested in, which is the construction of a new leisure center.

The news announces that Vingroup will construct a high-rise building named Vincom Center in my city. It will be a 15-storey building located right in the center of the city.

This center will cater mainly for shopping and recreational activities.

People in my locality are excited because they could go there to watch films, play video games, buy clothes, shoes, electronic devices or whatever consumer goods they want. Besides, family members could drink coffee or eat there because there are a lot of restaurants and coffee shops inside.

 At the moment, my area lacks a large entertainment area for children and their parents to spend their weekend in, or for young people to hang out in their spare time. Therefore, the appearance of a new leisure center excites all.


Part 3:

Do people read newspapers where you live?

Do people prefer local or international news

Do you think it is important to have national identity?

How can people develop their national identity?


  1. Describe a natural talents (sports, music, etc) you want to improve


You should say

What it is

When you discovered it

How you want to improve it

And how you feel about it


Now I want to describe one of my talents which most of my family members and friends often compliment me on, which is my ability to cook.

My mother was the one who taught me how to cook when I was around 10 years old. Because my parents are often very busy with their work, I’ve often taken care of cooking in my house. At the weekend, when my cousins or friends come over my house, I will be the cook.  Most of the time, people enjoy my food and ask me to cook for them next time.

However, I still try to improve my cooking skills as well as experimenting with new cuisines in my free time. I often watch videos on Youtube channels which share the way to cook different dishes or read cookbooks to learn new recipes and how to mix ingredients to create delicious courses.

I feel very satisfied after I have devoted a lot of time and effort for food preparation and people enjoy my dishes. It is a kind of feeling that makes me want to learn how to cook more tasty courses and satisfy eaters.


Part 3:

Do you think artists with talents should focus on their talents only?

Is it possible for us to know whether young children will become musicians or painters when they grow up?

Why do people like to watch talent shows?

Do you think it is more interesting to watch famous people's or ordinary people's shows?


  1. Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike


You should say:

Where it is

What it is used for

What it looks like

And explain why you like or dislike it?


I want to describe a high-rise building that I like named Vincom Center in my city. It was a 15-storey building located right in the center of the city.

It is painted in elegant colours, mainly brown, and with the front side made of glass so that people can look inside the building when travelling outside.

The center caters mainly for shopping and recreational activities. People could go there to buy clothes, shoes, electronic devices or whatever consumer goods they want. Besides, family members could drink coffee or eat there because there are a lot of restaurants and coffee shops inside.

I like this place because it is near my house and I could watch films in the cinema here at the weekend. The movie theater is situated on the 5th floor. I also enjoy spending time in the bookstore in this center. Being able to immerse myself in books without charge always makes me want to travel there in my free time.

Part 3:

What are the disadvantages of living in tall buildings?

Do you think there will be more tall buildings in the future? Why aren't there many tall buildings in the countryside?

Why do some people like to live in tall buildings nowadays?


  1. Describe an occasion when many people were smiling


You should say:

When it happened

Who you were with

What happened

And explain why many people were smiling


I now want to describe a time when so many people were smiling. It was a month ago when I attended the wedding ceremony of my cousin.  The wedding was held at the weekend in my hometown, which was around 100 kilometers far from my place of residence now. So, I had to wake up early in the morning and travel back there.

My whole family and many relatives gathered together in her wedding. People seemed very happy and smiled during the whole ceremony because  a lot of us had not met each other for a very long time and waited for so long to have such an opportunity to have a reunion.

Before the ceremony officially took place, we moved from one table to another to talk to our relatives and close neighbours. Some people helped with the preparation for the wedding feast, although the organiser took care of most stuff. At round 11 am we started to eat and at  the same time attendees continuously towards the stage, smiled and wished the couple a happy marriage.

This is one of the occasions I saw all people were smiling all the time and felt happy.


Part 3:

Do you think people who like to smile are more friendly? Why do most people smile in photographs?

Do women smile more than men? Why?

Do people smile more when they are younger or older?


  1. Describe a time when you saw two of your friends argued


You should say:

What they argued about

Why they argued with each other

What happened at the end

How you felt about it


Now I want to describe a time I saw my friends argued with each other. It was 1 month ago when our group of friends hung out  on Vietnamese independence day.

The reunion took place in a comfortable and happy atmosphere at first because all of us had not gathered together for a long time and that was a rare opportunity for us to meet up. However, during the meeting when we were talking about our plan for the future, my two close friends had a disagreement.

The reason why they debated was because a friend claimed that we should not be an employee, but rather accumulate capital and start a business as soon as possible, even we have to get bank loans. Meanwhile, the other argued that we should not take a risk, and should remain in the same company, work hard and get promoted. They both debated for about half an hour and finally we had to change to another topic so that the situation would not become too serious.

In my view, whether or not one of these two views is reasonable has to depend on the circumstances of the individual. We can not force other people to follow our viewpoint when they are in a totally different situation.


Part 3:

Do you think argument is important?

What do family members usually have arguments about?

Is it easier for you to have arguments with your family or with your friends?

Do you think people should change the way they think when having arguments?


  1. Describe a time you helped a friend


You should say:

When it was

How you helped him/her

Why you helped him/her

And how you felt about it


Now I would like to talk about a time when my close friend asked me to help him choose a meaningful present for his sister 3 months ago.

I think the reason why he asked me for help because he didn't have time and was not good at choosing and giving gifts.

At first, I did not know what to choose, but after that when I went across a bookstore. I immediately had a thought of buying a book. After that, I choose a book whose name is “Heart Winning”.

The reason why I think it is suitable because it contains so many tricks to help readers to behave better and control their feelings in real situations. Besides, it always directs people to good values. Anyone who wants to have a better life and become a better person should read it at least once in their lifetime.

I was sure that both my friend and his sister would be satisfied with this gift because it is a precious book and many people enjoy reading it. I felt very happy when I could help him to do this, and I will be willing whenever any of my friends need my help.


Part 3:

How do people usually help each other?

How is online help different from real-life help?

Should schools be responsible for teaching students how to cooperate?

What are the differences between help from friends and help from



  1. Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try


You should say:

What it was

What you need to prepare

How easy or difficult it is

And explain why you want to try it


I would like to tell you about a recreational activity near the sea that I want to try, which is scuba diving.

It is a water sport that is becoming increasingly popular in famous islands in Vietnam such as Phu Quoc or Ly son in Central Vietnam.

In order to be able to dive under the water surface for a long time, I will have to experience a few training sessions under the expert guidance of a professional. Besides, I also have to equip myself with diving clothing and underwater breathing apparatus.

Although it sounds difficult, I know how to swim already and I think it will not be too challenging for me.

The reason why I want to experiment with this kind of water sport is because I am really curious about what the seabed looks like when you see it firsthand. Moreover, watching coral reefs and marine animals swimming around has always been an idea that fascinates me, but I’ve never had a chance to try it before. So, next time if I have an opportunity to travel to an island, I will certainly experience this sport with my friends and family members.


Part 3:


What are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations to the seaside?

Why do people like spending time on the sea? Why do children like the sea better than adults?

What types of job positions can be found on or near the sea?



  1. Describe a time when you shared something with others


You should say:

What you shared

Who you shared it with

Why you shared it

And explain how you felt about sharing it


I have always enjoyed sharing things with others. Today, I would like to talk about one of those things which I shared with a roommate of mine when I was a college student.

It was about 8 years ago or so when I was living with a roommate in the same room at a hostel. Even though we studied in different faculties, we both got along well and decided to share the room with one another.

The reason why we shared the room with each other was because we could save a considerable amount of money each month. It is common when  most students are often still dependent on their parents and sharing their room with others could allow them to spend more money for food or other learning activities.

I enjoyed sharing the room as it gave me a friend to talk to every day, otherwise I would feel very lonely. Although we had some problems in organizing our possessions in the room, but that issue got solved quickly as we both started to utilize the space more smartly.


Part 3:

Do Vietnamese people like to share things with others?

What are the consequences if children don't like to share?

Do you think students like to share accommodation with others on campus?

How could parents and teachers teach young children to share?



  1. Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet


You should say:

What it was

Where you read it

What you learned from the article

And how you felt about it


I have read many articles in my life. Today I will talk about an article about healthy lifestyle that I read last year. I read this article from the website fitness.com. I was browsing through a website, when I saw the link to this article. The name of the article was very eye-catching. It was “Look Younger, Live Longer”. I clicked on the link and it opened this article.

Nowadays, we all are living a sedentary lifestyle and facing many health-related problems.This article opened my eyes that to become healthier, it was all about making small lifestyle changes. I came to know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

We should have a healthy and wholesome breakfast and never skip it. This habit helps boost our immunity and also helps us go through the day with full energy. I have never skipped breakfast since I’ve read this article and I can concentrate on my work and studies better. It also said that walking for an hour a day is as good as one hour of gym. Since then, morning walk has become a part of my routine.

I feel very fit and healthy and have rarely fallen sick since I made these small changes. I have bookmarked this article and read it often. I have also shared it with many of my friends and relatives.


Part 3:

Do you think people are healthier now than in the past?

How can you tell whether a website is reliable or not?

What activities can schools organize for children to keep fit?

What can governments do to improve people's health?


  1. Describe an older person that you admire


You should say:

Who this person is

How you know this person

What kinds of things you like to do together

And explain how you feel about this person


I will describe an old person I admire the most who is my grandmother. She is around 70 years old now.

In the past because my parents were preoccupied with their work commitments, she was the one who took care of and spent most of the time with me.

The reason why I admire her is because she is very knowledgeable and teaches me a lot of skills like cooking, time management and other life skills. She also teaches me how to distinguish right and wrong and directs me to become a moral person. Besides, She can speak English very well too and is my first English teacher. It is thanks to talking to her that I can improve my English communication skills greatly.

I can learn a lot of valuable lessons just by talking to her and listen to her life stories. I feel very attached to her and consider her as an important person who influences my character immensely. For all of these reasons, my grandmother is the one I admire the most.

Part 3:

What can young and old people learn from each other?

Has old people's life quality improved when compared to the past?

Why is there a generation gap between the young and the old?

What do old people usually do in their daily life?


  1. Describe your favorite film/movie


You should say:

When you watched it

Where you watched it

What it was about

And explain why you like it


I am a person who likes to spend free time with my family. The activity we usually do is watching films together. I remember one Korean movie all my family members enjoy watching at home was “My family is the number one”.

We watched this series 4 years ago on TV after dinner in the living room. This comedy movie was about the life of a large family with three generations living in a house. All characters had a great sense of humor. They used simple sentences in daily conversations to cause audience to burst into laughter. The actress I liked the most was the small girl, Heri. Although she was just around 6 years old, her acting was very natural and lovely.

I love this movie because it amused all my family members and helped us relax and reduce stress after class or work. Besides, I also learned many things from this movie, such as family love. It taught us to care more about others and valued the relationships with friends and relatives.

Part 3:

What kind of movies do Vietnamese people like to watch?


  1. Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media


You should say:

When it was

Where you saw it

What you saw

And explain why you think it was interesting


I often read domestic and international news when I have free time. Now I want to describe a piece of international news which is interesting in the media recently. It was about Bitcoin.

The news about bitcoin always occurs whenever I am using my phone to surf the internet. People around me also talk about it almost every day. And I think that you also come across it often.

The interesting thing about this coin is that its value varies almost every day. It can reach 50,000 dollars over only one week but also can fall to only 30,000 dollars the following week. The value can be influenced by a tweet of a famous person on social media ,for example, Elon Musk.

To be honest, although the news was interesting but I did not believe in cryptocurrency and that money can come as easily as they said. In my view, if we want to become rich, we have to work hard every day.

Part 3:

Why do people like to use social media?

What kinds of things are popular on social media?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media? What do you think of making friends on social media?

Are movie stars important to a movie? Are foreign movies popular in Vietnam?

Is it important that a country has its own film industry?


  1. Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in


You should say:

Where it is

How you knew it

How often you go there

What you do there

And explain why you like the place


Now I want to describe a quiet place that I often visit on the weekend. It is called  Provincial Library. It is located right in the center of Bien Hoa city, where I am living now and near my place of residence. It takes me only 5 minutes to travel there from my home.

The first time I travelled there was 5 years ago when my class in high school organised a trip to visit historic buildings in the city. Since then, I have been there at least once per month.

In my free time at the weekend I will go to this place to immerse myself in a world of books. There are many types of my favourite books there from novels to scientific ones.

The reason why I want to devote my spare time here is because reading in a library is much more interesting than reading at home. At the same time, it is quiet and not noisy like in a coffee shop. Although I like the atmosphere in these places but I often can not focus on what I am reading and are often distracted. I am a bookworm, so this library is my favourite place to read and relax.


Part 3:

Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?

Why is it quieter in the countryside?

Why do people go to quiet places?

Compared with young people, do old people prefer to live in quiet places?


  1. Describe a company where you live that employs a lot of people

You should say:

What it does

How many people it employs

What kind of people work there

How you feel about it


I want to describe a corporation named FPT. It is a company operating in technological sector and among the 100 largest Vietnamese companies.

The company was established in 1988, experiencing a few decades of development, and it now has more than 30,000 employees. Their products are not used only in Vietnam, but also exported to other countries like Japan or America. FPT is a reliable partner of many large corporations in the world like Microsoft, Amazon Web service, SAP.

At the beginning, it was a food-processing company, but then people knew this company as a communications and software company. At the moment,  it covers a wide range of fields including software, communications, education and retail. However, the focus of this group is technology and most of their employees are engineers.

Many Vietnamese households now use Wifi or communications services provided by FPT, and I hope in the future Vietnam will have more large corporations like FPT, because it is a pioneer in boosting the technological growth of Vietnam and contributes greatly to the process of modernising our country.  It is a great environment with well-paid jobs for any graduate from the major of information technology.


Part 3:


Should big companies be punished more seriously if they break the law?

Should big companies donate more to charities? What are the benefits of working for a big company?

What are the differences between big companies and small companies


  1. Describe an art or craft activity (e.g. painting, woodwork, etc.) that you had

You should say:
when this happened
what you did in the activity
who you did it with
and explain how you felt about this activity.


My hobby is to photograph landscapes of the area that I travel to. So, I have learned how to edit and add effects to the original pictures, which makes them look better.

 I do not do this activity often because I only have time to travel at the end of each month. However, I usually take as many photos as I can. So, after each trip I spend a great deal of time on my laptop to deal with them.

Because I am not a professional designer, I do not have any design application on my laptop and have to use a website on the Internet to edit them more quickly and simply. It is not very complicated to improve the quality of pictures. I often just adjust the brightness, change background colours and apply ready-made effects of the website to my photos.

I feel very interesting when I edit the photos I take by myself. I could spend hours to deal with them and enjoy the final pictures. After that, I share them on Facebook and Instagram and feel so happy when my friends give compliments to my landscape photographs.


Part 3:


What traditional handcrafts are popular in Vietnam?

What do young people think of traditional handcrafts?

Do people in your country send handcrafts as a gift?

What are the benefits of making handcrafts?


  1. Describe an activity that you do after school/work

What it is

When and where you do it

Who you do it with

And how you feel about it


My hobby after work is to photograph landscapes of the area that I travel to, edit and add effects to the original pictures, which make them look better.

I do not do this activity often because I only have time to travel at the end of each month. However, I usually take as many photos as I can. So, after each trip I spend a great deal of time on my laptop to deal with them.

Because I am not a professional designer, I do not have any design application on my laptop and have to use a website on the Internet to edit them more quickly and simply. It is not very complicated to improve the quality of pictures. I often just adjust the brightness, change background colours and apply ready-made effects of the website to my photos.

I feel very interesting when I edit the photos I take by myself. I could spend hours to deal with them and enjoy the final pictures. After, I share them on Facebook and Instagram and feel so happy when my friends give compliments to my landscape photographs.


Part 3

Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?

Are men more likely to do extreme sports than women?

What are the most popular outdoor activities in Vietnam?

What do young people usually do in groups?


  1. Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market 


When it was 

Where it was 

What you bought  

 How you felt about the shopping experience 

I still remember the time when I was shopping in a street market in Da Nang, Vietnam. It was in December and Christmas was approaching, my friends and I decided to go out and shop in a street marker near my university campus.

The street market was located downtown and not far from the campus. It was such an crowded and unforgettable scene with the special Christmas atmosphere that I believe I would always remember it even after I came back. The kids were happy looking around with their parents and the things on sale were various and not commonly seen at non-festival time. I bought a few postcards as I wanted to send best wishes to my loved ones through these postcards.

I felt excited that I got the chance to buy those postcards with meaningful wishes. In terms of my feelings about the shopping experience, I would say it would remain as one of the most amazing experiences, shopping in a street market at a special time. Also, I would always remember the friends who were at my side and shared that excellent experience. From that time on, I believe I fell in love with the street markets.


 Part 3

What kinds of markets are there in Vietnam?

Do you think small markets will disappear in the future?

Have people’s shopping habits changed in recent years?

What are the differences between shopping in street markets and in big shopping malls?


  1. Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home


What it is
How often you use it
Who you usually use it with
And explain why this item is important to you


I am describing my laptop as it is the equipment I often use at home. It is a black coloured laptop of Dell brand and I bought it almost five years ago.

This electronic device has helped me in many aspects, including work, study and communication. The first important usage is saving data. I can save numerous e-books, pictures, audio and video clips in it, and the 300GB hardware capacity has allowed me to save plenty of them.

Moreover, I can access the Internet using this laptop. By connecting to the Internet I can access every website, check my email and watch online movies or documentaries. This laptop has assisted me to raise my knowledge not only in my career and study but also in learning the English language. I also communicate with others with this laptop and this is the primary means of communication with my friends.

 I have already become dependent on my laptop. Definitely, the use of internet and computer has become unavoidable in this modern era and this is indeed a very important tool for me.


Part 3

What kinds of machines are there in people’s homes?

What are the differences between the young and the old in their attitudes towards machines?

What kinds of professions require people to use machines?

Will many people’s work be done by robots in the future?


  1. Describe a time you tried to do something but was not very successful


When it was

What you tried

Why is was not very successful

And how you felt about it


Now I would like to talk about a time when I was a team leader of the project that I took part in recently in my company. 2 months ago, my boss told me that because of my effort during the past few months, I was chosen to be the leader to lead the team complete an important project.

I was very interested and happy because I worked very hard to have this chance, but I was also very nervous because of the responsibility. My team included 5 members in the accounting department. We worked together for about almost 10 years, so we knew each other very well and was confident that we could finish the work as expected.  This project lasted in 2 months. We tried really hard during this whole period of time and usually stayed late in the evening at the company.

However, because of my lack of experience as a team leader, we did not complete our project in time and the effort of the team was wasted. Although we could not meet the deadline, my boss did not blame me for the tardiness and still believe and assign our team important tasks afterwards.

 I learned a valuable lesson and drew a lot of experience from this project and gradually had better management skills.


Part 3

What things do children try to succeed in?

How much pressure do Vietnamese parents put on their children to be successful?

Which do you think is more important for people to become successful, hard work or opportunities?

Do you think people will be happy if they don’t have any goals to achieve?


  1. Describe your favourite kind of weather


You should say:

What kind of weather it is?
When this weather usually occurs?
What you usually do during this weather?
Explain how this weather affects you?
And explain why you like this type of weather.


I like to describe my favourite kind of climate, which is cool weather in the springtime. This kind of weather starts in January and lasts for 2 to 3 months.

It is not hot like in the summer and not cold like in the winter, so we can go outdoors without wearing a coat, carrying waterproofs and worrying about get sunburnt or caught in a rain.

In my country, during this season we celebrate Lunar New Year. It is the most important festival of Vietnamese. I often spend more time with my family members and hang out with my friends as well as taking part in outdoor activities during this period of time. I sometimes go travelling to discover unfamiliar areas in Vietnam I’ve never been too before.

This season is also considered a new start for everything when trees begin to sprout and people’s new plans start to be put into practice. A new year also helps people to forget all the sadness and misfortunes of the previous year and hope that luck will be by their side in life.

All these reasons explain why the weather of the spring is my favourite type.


Part 3:

What do people wear in different weather?

How does weather influence people’s life?

What are people's opinion on weather forecasts?

Are there any festivals about seasons?


  1. Describe a time when you encouraged somebody to do something that he/she didn't want to do


You should say:

Who he/she is

What you encouraged him/her to do

How he/she reacted

And explain why you encouraged him/her

Now I would like to talk about a time when I encouraged my brother to give a gift to and confess his love to his girlfriend.

1 year ago my brother told me that he liked a girl so much but did not want to express his inner feelings to her. It was a few days before her birthday and he asked me to give him some advice. I told him that he had to be braver and recommended that he should give her a present.

Because of my encouragement, he agreed  and asked me to help him choose a meaningful present for her. At first, I did not know what to choose, but after that when I went across a bookstore. I immediately had a thought of buying a book. After that, I choose a famous book named  ‘Heart Winning”.

The reason why I think it is a suitable present because it contains so many tricks to help readers to behave better and control their feelings in real situations. Besides, it always directs people to good values.

It was thanks to the gift I chose for him, they are now a couple. I felt very happy when I could help and encourage him to do this.


Part 3:

How can leaders encourage their employees?

When should parents encourage their children?

What kind of encouragement should parents give their children?

Do you think some people are better than others at persuading?


  1. Describe something important to you that your family has had for a long time

You should say:

What it is;

When your family had it;

How your family got it;

And explain why it is important for your family;

Well, I would like to tell you about an object which is very important to my family.

Like many other families in my country, my house also have a big photo. This photograph is on the wall of our living room because it is quite spacious. So, I think put there is suitable.

This photo was taken 2 years ago by a professional photographer when my family went travelling to Da Lat city, which is an unforgettable memory. We took a photo in the night market. This is the first picture that we took together and includes all family members.

Whenever I look at the picture it reminds me of the happy time I had with my family. I don't live near my parents now as they live in our hometown. Therefore, every time I miss them I will have a look at the photo and it brings back memories we had together. This photograph means a lot to me because it makes me feel that my relations are always by my side and not feel lonely when living on my own

Part 3

What things do families keep for a long time?

What's the difference between things valued by people in the past and today?

What kinds of things are kept in museums?

What's the influence of technology on museums?


  1. Describe a time when you had to wait in a long line of people/queue


You should say:

When it was;

Where you were;

Why you were there;

And how you felt about it.


Now I will describe a time when I had to wait in a long queue, which made me feel very bored. It was 3 months ago when I went shopping in Big C supermarket near my house with my family.

We went there because it was the end of the year and we wanted to buy new items for our house. However, because all other people also crowded this place for shopping, we had to wait a long time at the checkout counter. All buyers queued up in order and there was not any pushing or impoliteness between clients.

I had to stand in the line for about 45 minutes, which caused me to feel extremely bored. I did not know what to do except for surfing the internet using my phone and talking to my family members.

However I did not feel uncomfortable. It was because I often visited this shopping mall at the weekend, which sold products at a reasonable price. Besides, it also often offers discounts for frequent customers. Although it was crowded that day, it only happened on special occasions and this is still my favourite shopping center.

Part 3

Do Vietnamese people often wait in line?

Do you think the development of technology has reduced the time people spend on waiting?

What do you think of those who cut in line or jump the queue?

How can companies improve their customer service?